2019 Vol 10, Issue 1
Phytochemical screening and evaluation of anti coagulant activity of methanolic extract of flowers of Nerium oleander Linn. - Research Articles 
Vijaya lakshmi N, Ch.Naga Manasa*, Venkata Sai Avinash P, Sabiha Tahseen SK and Rosemary P.
1-5 |
Intranasal nanoemulsion of Olanzapine: A new prospective to treat psychosis - Research Articles 
Sarjak P Pathak*, Shailesh T Prajapati and Chetna D Modi.
6-13 |
Characterisation of copper oxide nano particles using Annona reticulata extract and their antioxidant and photocatalytic activities - Research Articles 
Neha Chauhan, Aditi Singh, Deepanshi Singhal, Sonia Johri*.
14-19 |
Identification, isolation and structural characterization of unknown impurities in Cefdinir drug substance - Research Articles 
Kannan Jakkan*, Nitin Singh and Lokhande RS.
20-33 |
Nanoemulsion based intranasal delivery of paliperidone hydrchloride for nose to brain targeting - Research Articles 
Sarjak P Pathak*, Shailesh T Prajapati and Chetna D Modi.
34-44 |
Molecular docking studies on phytoconstituents of herbal formulation
(Linn).against α-amylase enzyme - Research Articles 
1,2 Sabitha R*, 1,3 Gopal V, 1 Jeyabalan G, 4 Aachiraman S, 5 Abinaya S and 6 Kandasamy CS.
45-48 |