2015 Vol 6, Issue 4
S.no |
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1. |
Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of various extracts
aerial parts of Pavetta indica (Linn) -Research Article 
Abdul Hameed Thayyil, Kottai Muthu A* and Mohammed Ibrahim. |
1-6 |
2. |
Anticancer and antimicrobial activity of 3-Amino-2-mercapto
quinazolin-4-one schiff bases and their VO(IV) and Pt(II) metal complexes-Research Article 
Ramu Guda, Srujana Muthadi, Mahinder Porika and Mamatha Kasula*. |
7-14 |
3. |
In silico docking of fucoidan compound against the selective
proteins of HEPG2 cell line-Research Article 
Ashok K and Sivakumari K. |
15-18 |
4. |
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of silybin nanoparticles for liver cancer-Research Article 
Ramaiyan Velmurugan and Singireddy Anandam*. |
19-22 |
5. |
Synthesis Growth and Characterization of a new NLO
material: L-Threonine Lithium Chloride-Research Article 
Vijayaraj C*, Mariappan M, Nedunchezhian
G and 3 Benny Anburaj D. |
23-26 |
6. |
Nucleation kinetcis of various proportions of Urea-Thiourea
mixed crystal in Water-Methanol-Research Article 
Mariappan M , Madhurambal G, Benny Anburaj D, Nedunchezhian G and Vijayaraj C. |
27-31 |
7. |
Anti-microbial evaluation of herbal soap containing neem
oil and nalpamaradhi oil-Research Article 
Anoop MV*, Hasna MP, Jaseena MH, Safna K, Sajna CV and Shamly MK. |
32-36 |
8. |
A review on medication adherence in stroke patients - Review Article 
Kavitha P*, Prakash A, Jayaprakash S, Linus T, Roby
R and Sambathkumar R. |
37-42 |
9. |
Synthesis andantihyperlipidemic activty of
azetidinone derivatives in combination with nicotinic acid moiety and other Schiff’s bases-Research Article 
Sandeep P. Gadhwe*, Manisha S. Phoujdar, MuthuK. Kathiravan, Ritesh T. Kucheriya, Rahul R.Mane, Mahesh S. Mukta and Dilpesh P. Jain. |
43-51 |
10. |
Comparative study of Removal of Malathion from Waste-Water by using Natural Adsorbent-Research Article 
RM Burkul*, SV Ranade SV and BL Pangarkar. |
52-60 |
11. |
Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics evaluation of ranitidine microspheres on experimental animals-Research Article 
Gowri R*, Narayanan N and Balaji P. |
61-66 |
12. |
Factorial design used in optimization immediate
release solid dosage sirolimus-Research Article 
Bhutkar Yogesh Madhukar, Madhusudhan S and Stavan Arunkumar Nagori. |
67-72 |