2017 Vol 8, Issue 2
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1. |
A prospective study on medication adherence and factors for non-adherence among epilepsy patients- Research Articles 
Anjali Rarichan*, Karthikeyan V and Mohamed Mazhauddin. |
1-5 |
2. |
A prospective study on incidence prevalance, risk factors of myocardial infarction - Research Article 
Gayathri M*, Karthikeyan V and Anoop Gopinathan.
6-10 |
3. |
Molecular docking studies of chlorthalidone and Indapamide on Angiotensin-II - Research Article 
Govindhammal M, Prasath M*, Sathya B and Selvapandiyan M. |
11-15 |
4. |
Intermolecular interactions of zapizolam molecule with gaba receptor: A molecular docking and quantum chemical calculations - Research Article 
Sathya B, Manikandan M, Prasath M* and Selvapandiyan M. |
16-21 |
5. |
Investigation of colorimetric and differential thermal analysis of rubidium soaps- Research Article 
Saroha SPS*, Krishna Mehrotra and and Deepak Ganjewala. |
22-25 |
6. |
Chemical bath deposition of ZnS thin film and its characterization - Research Article 
Lakshmi A and Manikandan R. |
26-29 |
7. |
Evaluation of analgesic and antipyretic activity of ethanol extract of Oxalis corniculata Linn. - Research Articles 
Venkateswaran V, *Shanmuga Sudaram R and Sambathkumar R. |
30-34 |
8. |
Fluorescence quenching of rhodamine B dye pluronic F127 complex by inorganic anions- Research Article
Jenif Dsouza Antonisamy and Sasmita Dash *. |
35-43 |